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26.05.2022What a great feeling. The first European Conference of the ICPA in presence after years. And I had the opportunity to be there as a speaker.When preparing the session, I was thinking what I could present. I thought some practical issues were the best. So, I started with the title: „Stepstones to be considered when importing goods into Germany”.I have now been working in the customs area for more than 30 years. And still the same mistakes happen. Not because something is done wrong. Just because of the unawareness about issues you should take care of. So, I started with compliance, went over to classification and valuation and ended with special procedures keeping a focus on VAT and practical issues like representation. ...Weiterlesen auf www.anwaltshaus.deLesen Sie hier den vollständigen Artikel auf www.anwaltshaus.de
www.anwaltshaus.de mehr von www.anwaltshaus.de
URL dieser Seite: https://www.recht-aktuell.de/ICPA_Conference_-_STEPSTONES